Superintendents and Partners
- Dr. Lori-Brownlee-Brewton-Abbeville
- Ms. Kathy Hipp-Anderson 3
- Dr. Kevin O'Gorman-Edgefield
- Dr. Steve Glenn-Greenwood 50
- Dr. Daniel Crockett-Greenwood 51
- Dr. Beth Taylor-Greenwood 52
- Dr. Jody Penland-Laurens 55
- Dr. David O'Shields-Laurens 56
- Dr. Ashley Atkinson-Lexington 3
- Dr. Jaime Hembree-McCormick
- Mr. Alvin Pressley-Newberry
- Dr. Harvey Livingston-Saluda
- Mr. Joey Haney-Union
- Dr. Sarah Hunt-Barron-Lander University
- Dr. Hans, Klar, Dr. Betty Bagley, and Dr. Parker Andreoli-Clemson University
- Dr. Randy Lowell-University of SC Union
- Dr. Hope Rivers-Piedmont Technical College
- Mr. Tim Keown-SC Governor's School for Agriculture at John de la Howe